
Users can submit feedback (bugs and feature requests) via the 'Support' tab on the right side of each page in AppControl. This feature can be turned ON or OFF by setting the MxOM_Core.EnableFeedback constant to TRUE. When enabled, the 'Feedback' and 'Tickets' tabs become visible in the 'Support' tab.

When a user submits feedback it will appear in this page in the 'New' tab. After viewing the feedback you can decide to submit it to Blue Storm by clicking on the 'Submit' button. This will automatically create a new support ticket with Blue Storm, and the user will be notified. Once an hour the lastest status of tickets is updated.

Tickets (feedback) can have the following status:

  • New. Newly submitted feedbcak from users and not yet submitted to Blue Storm.

  • Submitted. Feedback has been submitted to Blue Storm and a ticket has been automatically created (Feedback ID).

  • Open. Ticket has been seen / acknolwedged by Blue Storm, but not action has been taken.

  • Investigating. Blue Storm is actively reviewing the feedback.

  • Planned. The feedback has been planned for implementation (new feature / bug fix).

  • Implementing. The feedback is currently being implemented.

  • Testing. The feedback has been implemented and is being tested.

  • Done. The feedback has been implemented, but not yet added to a release.

  • Backlog. The feedback has been added to the product backlog and may be implemented in the future.

  • Will not Implement. The feedback will not be implemented. This happens if it is determined that the feedback is not a bug, or the feature request is not a good fit with the product roadmap.

  • Closed. The feature has been implemented and is part of a release.

After opening a feedback item the followin information is available:

Feedback Details
  • Backlog ID. If the feedback item has been added to the AppControl product backlog the backlog ID will appear here. This can be used to view the details of the backlog item in the Blue Storm support portal.

  • Status. The current status of the feedback item. (see status list above)

  • Subject. The subject entered by the user that created the feedback.

  • Description. The description entered by the user that created the feedback.

Submitter Details

This card contains the details of the user that submitted the feedback.

  • User ID. The username of the user that created the feedback.

  • Email. The email of the user that created the feedback.

  • Name. The name of the user that created the feedback.

Ticket Owner

Once submitted to Blue Storm, this card contains the details of the user that submitted the feedback to Blue Storm.

  • User ID. The username of the user that submitted the feedback to Blue Storm.

  • Email. The email of the user that submitted the feedback to Blue Storm.

  • Name. The name of the user that submitted the feedback to Blue Storm.


If present, the screenshot created by the user that created the feedback item.

Technical Details

The technical details collected at the time the user created the feedback item.

  • Page name. The page that the user was viewing when they created the feedback.

  • Browser. The browser used by the user that created the feedback.

  • Environment URL. The URL of the environment that the user that created the feedback was using.

Note to User

Platform Administrators can use this field to share notes / information with the creator of the feedback.

Last updated