System Status

The Systeem Status tab shows you an overview of all the environments that have been detected by AppControl, and the current revisions status of the environment (if it has been scanned and analyed by AppControl). This overview also shows you which AppControl features are currently enabled for your environments. If a feature is not enabled, it has either been turned off by the AppControl administrator, or the AppControl user that is used to access your app does not have sufficient access rights.

Use this tab to determine why information that you expect to see in AppControl might be missing.

The following are the various features of AppControl that may be turned ON or OFF for your app:

  • Releases. The ability to create and use pipelines to create releases of your app.

  • Policies. The ability to check your app for compliance with policies. If this is turned OFF you will not see your app in the App Dashboard.

  • Alerts. The ability to receive and process app alerts from your app hosting platform. If this is turned OFF you will not see any alerts for your app in the Alert Dashboard.

  • Logs. The ability to receive and analyze access and app logs (Insights). If this is turned OFF you will not see any log data for your app in the Insights Dashboard.

For each environment the 'Revision Status' is displayed. This shows you whether or not AppControl has scanned and analyzed the revision deployed to the environment. The possible statuses are:

  • Not Processed. A newly deployed revision has been detected for this environment, but it has not yet been procssed.

  • Processing Model. The model for this environment is currrently being processed.

  • Model Processed. The model for this environment has been processed. After processing thee model, information about used components, widgets, Java Libraries, and other technical information is available to the system.

  • Checking Revision. The revision is currently being checked for compliance with your policies.

  • Revision Checked. The revision has been checked for compliance with your policies. Policy results are now available in the Policy Dashboard.

  • Queued for Processing. The model deployed to this environment is queued for processing.

  • Queued for Checking. The revision is currently queued to be checked for compliance with your policies.

  • Processing Failed. The system failed to process your model. You can attempt to process the model again from the 'Revisions' tab in the App page. You can check the logs for dettails as to why the processing failed.

  • Check Failed. The system failed to check the policy compliance of your revision. You can attempt to check the revision again from the 'Revisions' tab in the App page. You can check the logs for dettails as to why the policy check failed.

Last updated