App Administrator
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AppControl supports Mendix app administrators to automate and simplify the daily operations for managing Mendix apps. Note: Before you can use these features you must be assigned as an app administrator to one or more apps. The following are useful features for your role:
Policies. AppControl checks the state of your Mendix apps to ensure that they are compliant with your organizational standards. Use the policy dashboard to view the current compliance of your apps to your organizational standards.
Pipelines. App pipelines can be configured to enforce your policies, and to ease the build and deployment process for your apps. By default there are no pipelines, and thus you will need to configure at least one pipeline if you want to use a standardized process for building and deploying your apps. Note: By default only the platform administrator can create pipelines. Contact your platform administrator to discuss enabling this feature for you.
Releases. AppControl uses pipelines to enforce policies, and to ease the release process for DevOps teams. The releases dashboard gives you an overview of all releases for your apps, and the current state of the release (pipeline) process.
Tasks. Tasks enable you to keep track of manual activities that need to be performed per app (E.g. compliance activities, certificate renewals, etc.). AppControl enables you to create and manage recurring (or one-time) tasks for your apps. Additionally, you can also manage the tasks that have been assigned to you by a group or platform administrator (e.g. organizational compliance tasks).
Insights. Insights gives you insight into the Mendix versions and Mendix Marketplace components used by your Mendix apps. Use Insights to answer questions such as 'Which apps are still using Mendix 8?' or 'Which apps are using the SAML module version older than 3.0?'.