
The app dashboard provides access to app-specific information, as well as giving access to app-specific functions. Some functions are limited to users with the App Administrator role. The following tabs are only visible if you have the App Administrator role: Revisions

The following tabs and tiles are available on this page:


This tile shows an overview of all alerts generated for your app by AppControl. Alerts are generated for the following events:

  • Policies. If this app fails a policy check an alert is generated.

  • Hosting Platforms. If the hosting platform used by this app is experiencing problems an alert is generated.

  • Releases. If a release for this app contains warnings or failures an alert is generated.

  • Tasks. If a task for this app is overdue an alert is generated.

If you acknowledge an alert it will automatically update the status of the app in the app dashboard. If there are no more unacknowledged alerts for your app its status will return to normal in the app dashboard.


App Details

This tile provides an overview of important technical and administrative information for your app. Users assigned as an app owner can also change the production date of the app. This information is used for various features in AppControl.

App Access

This tile provides an overview of the contacts for this app. Aside from providing an administrative overview of the contact for an app, each contact role affects the access that a user has to that app in AppControl:

  • App Owner. Can change app contact information, can approve releases. Only Platform Administrators and Group Administrators can manage the list of App Owners.

  • App Administrator. Can manage app pipelines, policies, scorecards and tasks. Only Platform Administrators, Group Administrators and App Owners can manage the list of App Owners. Note: When adding a user as an App Administrator they automatically get the system role 'App Administrator'.

  • App Member. Can view basic app information (environments, policy status, scorecards, app details, app contacts). Only Platform Administrators, Group Administrators and App Owners can manage the list of App Owners.


This tile provides an overview of all the environments for this app. This information is automatically collected and updated by AppControl. If you hosting platform does not support the automatic detection of environments, it is also possible to manually add them from this overview. Only users with the Platform Administrator role can add environments for an app.

When adding an environment you need to provide the following information:

  • Environment ID : The environment ID of this hosting environment. This is the technical ID that is used to retrieve information about the environment from the hosting platform.

  • Type : The type of environment that you select affects how policies are applies. The following are the possible environment types:

    • Production. Used for production applications.

    • Acceptance. Used for acceptance applications.

    • Test. Used for test applications.

    • Sandbox. Used for free Mendix apps.

    • Flexible. Used for multi-instance Mendix apps.

  • URL : The URL used to access the app.

  • Model Version : The current model version deployed to this environment. Note: For environments that are manually added this information needs to be updated manually.

  • Mendix Version : The current Mendix version used by the app in this environment. Note: For environments that are manually added this information needs to be updated manually.

  • Production? : If checked, this environment has been marked as a production environment. This affects policies as well as other features in AppControl.

Additionally, if you are an app administrator information about the configuration of your app is visible. Configurations are the collection of constants, scheduled events, and custom runtime settings that are used by a specific environment. The following tabs are shown:

  • Current Configuration. This is the most recent configuration that has been read out from the selected environment.

  • Configurations. This is the history of all configurations ready out from the environment. Every time a change in the configuration is detected a new configuration is autmatically created. If you want to create a new configuration (for use in a pipeline), you can choose to create a copy of an existing configuration and then change the values.


In this tab (visible in each environment) there is an overview of all configurations that have either been detected, or have been manually created. To create a new configuration click on the copy action for an existing configuration.


This page enables you to change the values for a configuration. Note this is only possible for configurations that are manually created, and only for configurations that are not currently in use by a release. The following options are available:

  • Name. Give this configuration a name. This will be visible when selecting configurations to be used in a pipeline.

  • Environment. The environment that this configuration belongs to.

  • Version. An auto number assigned to this configuration. Each time a new configuration is detected or manually created, this number is automatically incremented.

  • Is manually created? If this configuration was detected by AppControl, this will be FALSE.

  • Constants. For constants that are in your app, you can set a new value. Note: Only constants that have already been deployed can be managed. New constants that have not yet been deployed cannot be set.

  • Scheduled Events. For scheduled events in your app, you can choose to enable or disable them by typing 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'. Note: Do not enter any other text or values in this field besides 'Enabled' or 'Disabled' as this will cause the deployment of this configuration to fail.

  • Custom Settings. View and edit custom runtime settings. Note: Make sure that the name you use for the custom runtime setting matches exactly the name required by Mendix. If not, the deployment of this configuration will fail. Also, it is not possible to delete custom runtime settings once set (this is a limitation of the Mendix Cloud API).


This tile provides an overview of all branches and revisions of your app. Additionally, you can use this tile to browse detailed information about revisions that have been processed by AppControl, or compare policy results for revisions that have been checked. Revisions are processed automatically by AppControl once they are deployed to an environment. It is also possible to manually process and check a revision from this overview.

The following actions are available for each revision (some may be hidden depending in the current status of the revision):

  • Process. This will download and process your app model so that you can view information about used components, security settings, project files, and other useful information (see below for details).

  • Check. This will check the revision for compliance with your policies. Note: Revisions can only be checked after they have been processed.

  • Cancel. If a revision is currently being processed or checked, this will cancel the current operation.

  • View Details. For revisions that have been processed, this will open the revision viewer to view the details that have been extracted by AppControl.

  • Policy Results. For revisions that have been checked, this will open the policy viewer to view the results of the policy check for this revision.

  • Compare. This enables you to compare the policy results between this revision and another revision that has already been checked. After clicking thislink the compare revisions page will appear.

Once a revision has been processed the following information becomes available:

  • Modules. A complete list of all modules used by this revision.

  • Widgets. A complete list of all widgets used by this revision.

  • Java Libraries. A complete list of all Java libraries used by this revision.

  • Security. An overview of the project security settings for this revision.

  • Files. An overview of all files stored in the app repository for this revision, and the ability to directly download them.

  • Mendix Model. The ability to browse the Mendix model element tree for this revision.

  • Model File. The ability to directly download the Mendix model file (.MPR) for this revision.

  • Security Model File. The ability to download (in JSON format) the complete security model (user roles and module access rights) for this revision.


This tile provides an overview of all the tasks currently assigned to this app and their status. If you have the role Platform Administrator, Group Administrator, or App Administrator you can also assign a task to this app from this overview.


This tile provides an overview of all pipelines configured for this app, as well as the status of any executed or executing releases.

Pipelines can be configured from the Pipelines tab. For more information on how to configure pipelines see the pipelines page in the AppControl documentation.

Releases can be created by clicking on the 'new release' button from the 'Running' tab. For more information on how to create a release see the releases page in the AppControl documentation.

Last updated