AppControl User

Everything that AppControl does is executed by a single Mendix Platform user. Before you can get started with AppControl you need to create this user (the 'AppControl' user).

The AppControl user needs to be added to each app and environment in the Mendix Platform that you want to manage with AppControl. This user needs to have sufficient rights to be able to use all features in AppControl. The table below shows the rights needed to perform each feature. For each feature both the platform access (the rights configured via the Mendix Platform) and the PAT (Personal Access Token) rights are shown.

To grant AppControl correct access to your Mendix apps you must perform the following steps:

  1. Create a Mendix Platform user (

  2. Add this user to the team for each app you want to manage and give it the role 'Business Engineer' (

  3. For each environment that you want AppControl to manage, give the user the encessary environment rights (see the table below) (

  4. Create a PAT (Personal Access Token) with the necessary rights (see table below for rights). (

The user you have created will be used later on during the installation of AppControl to add the apps you want to manage (See 'Add apps' for more details).

Environment Rights
PAT Rights

View App

API Rights

Project API

  • mx:app:metadata:read

  • mx:app:team:write

View / Process Models

Model Repository

  • mx:modelrepository:repo:write

  • mx:modelrepository:write

Model Server

  • mx:modelrepository:write

View Components


  • mx:marketplace-content:read

Manage Environment Configuration, Excute Pipelines

Transport Rights

Access to Backups

Deployment Mendix Cloud

  • mx:deployment:write

Deployment Private Cloud

  • mx:deployment:write

Build Private Cloud

  • mx:privatecloud-build:write

Analyze User & App Logs

Access to Monitoring

Receive Hosting Platform Alerts

Webhook Portal

  • mx:webhook:read

  • mx:webhook:write

Last updated