Install package
AppControl is delivered as a Mendix application package (.MDA file). To use AppControl you will need to download the package and deploy it to a licensed Mendix Cloud node or a Mendix server running in your private cloud.
Step 1: Prerequisites
Before installing AppControl make sure you have the following:
A licensed Mendix Cloud (minimum size 'S', preferably size 'M') or private cloud node where you can deploy the AppControl package.
If you have firewalls between the node where you will deploy AppControl and the Internet, make sure the following ports are open:
A registered account in the Blue Storm Customer Portal. This will be provided to you by Blue Storm.
Step 2: Download package
Login to the Blue Storm customer portal (, browse to 'Releases', and download the latest release. AppControl is delivered as a Mendix MDA package file.
Step 3: Deploy package
Depending on your hosting platform, upload the AppControl MDA package to your Mendix server. Afterwards, perform the steps below:
Configure the following constants:
MxOM_Core.EncryptionKey : Use a random 32 character key, and never change it.
MxOM_Core.APIUser : API user name provided by Blue Storm.
MxOM_Core.APIPassword : API password provided by Blue Storm.
MxOM_Core.AuthenticationService : The authentication service to be used for logging into MxOM. Possible values are:
LOCAL : Local user accounts only.
MENDIX_SSO : Use Mendix SSO for authentication.
SAML : Use SAML for authentication.
Logging.LogHistoryDays : 60
Configure the following custom runtime settings:
com.mendix.core.ProcessedTasksCleanupAge : 86400000
Enable all scheduled events that start with ‘MxOM’ and the event 'Logging.CleanupDataLogging'.
Start the server and login using MxAdmin.
If you configured MxOM to use SSO for authenticating users, configure SSO from the Administration > Accounts page.
Create a new administrator user and give this user the ‘PlatformAdministrator’ role. Login as the new user.
Last updated