The Reports tab displays all environments detected by AppControl in all of your hosting platforms. For each environment, if the deployed revision has been analyzed, a complete app health report is available. If AppControl does not have sufficient access to the app, or the deployed revision has not yet been analyzed, the message 'no deployed app' will be displayed.
You can download a PDF version of the app report by clicking on the 'download PDF' link. Note: This feature must be configured first by your platform administrator from the feature settings tab in the System Configuration page.
After clicking on 'view report' the following information is available:
App Info
Name. The name of the app.
Mendix App ID. The Mendix App ID for this app (also known as a 'project ID').
Hosting platform. The hosting platform that AppControl detected this app on.
App repository. The app repository that this app is using to store it's project files.
Environment Info
Name. The name of the environment.
URL. The URL of the environment.
Mendix Version. The Mendix version in use by this environment.
Model Version. The model version that is currently deployed to this environment.
Policy Compliance
The policy compliance tile shows a summary of the results of the policy check for the revision that is deployed to the selected environment. For each policy check category the following information is displayed:
Total check results. The total number of failed check results. (check result = unique combination of check type and specific element)
Percentage. The percentage shows the percentage of checks (=check types) that were configured for this scorecard that passed (= did not generate any failed check results).
Star rating. The star rating is a simple visualization of the percentage of checks that passed where 100% = 5 stars.
Vulnerable Components
The vulnerable components tile shows a summary of the components used by the currently deployed revision that have known vulnerabilities. For each vulnerable component the following information is displayed:
Component Type. The type of component.
Name. The name of the component.
Version. The component version.
Vulnerabilities. The list of known vulnerabilities.
Security Risks
The security risks tile shows a summary of the security risks found in the currently deployed revision. Security risks represent all security type policy checks that have a high risk that failed. For each detected risk the following information is displayed:
Severity. The severity level of the risk.
Risk ID. The policy check ID of the risk.
Security Risk. A brief description of the risk.
Element Type. The type of app element that is affected by this risk.
Vulnerabilities. The number of vulnerabilities of this type that were found in the app.