
The releases dashboard provides an overview of all running and completed releases for the apps that you have access to, and shows the current state of all releases (= the execution of a pipeline). From the dashboard you can also create a new release. To create a new release click on 'new release' and select the app and pipeline that you want to execute. The following pipelines are visible in this list:

  • Global Pipelines. All global pipelines.

  • Group Pipelines. All piplines that belong to the App Group that the selected app belongs to.

  • App Pipelines. All app-specific pipelines that have been created for the selecte app.

To view the details of a running or completed release click on a release from the overview. To cancel a release open the release and click on 'cancel'.

Release Status

This tile shows status information about this pipeline:

  • Current status. The current status of the release. The following are the possible statuses:

    • Scheduled : The release is scheduled for execution.

    • Not started : The release has not yet been submitted to the release scheduler and can still be changed. This is the default status for a new release.

    • Waiting approval : The release is waiting for an approval before it begins execution.

    • Running : The release is currently running.

    • Successful : The release has successfully completed

    • Warning : The release completed but generated warnings.

    • Failed : The release failed to complete successfully.

    • Scheduled : The release is scheduled for execution but has not yet started.

  • Last message. The most recent output of the release.


The pipeline configuration tile shows the configuration that is being used for the execution of this release. When you create a new release the following options are available:

  • Environment. The target environment for this release. Note: If this has been pre-configured in the pipeline it cannot be changed.

  • Configuration. If the selected pipeline has a 'Deploy Configuration' task, select the configuration to be used.

  • Branch. The source branch for this release. Note: If this has been pre-configured in the pipeline it cannot be changed.

  • Revision. The source revision for this release. Note: If this has been pre-configured in the pipeline it cannot be changed.

  • Scheduled for. The date and time when this release is scheduled to be executed.

  • Scheduled for (after approvals). If the pipeline contains an approval task, and the 'Proceed on approvals' option is NOT checked, this pipeline will continue executing at this date and time. This option is used for delaying the execution of a pipeline after all approvals have been received.

  • Commit message. The last commit message for the source revision used by this release.

  • Mendix version. The version of Mendix used by the source revision used by this release.

  • Release version. The version number to be used for this release.

  • Release notes. The release notes to be used for this release.

Pipeline Tasks

This tile shows an overview of the pipeline tasks that have been configured for this release. For each task the current status is displayed as well as the last message that was output by the task.

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