The tasks dashboard shows an overview of all tasks that are currently assigned to you and that have been completed. If you have the role Platform Administrator you will also see a tab to view all tasks in AppControl.
Tasks enable you to manage recurring (or one-off) activities that are needed to manage your Mendix apps. For example: renewing certificates, renewing functional accounts, collecting information for audit reports, or checking who has access to your app.
Before a task can be assigned it has to be configured. Task templates are managed from the Administration > Tasks page. For more information on how to configure task templates see the tasks administration page in this documentation.
Once a task template has been configured it can be assigned. To assign a task select the 'task assignments' tab and click on 'assign new task'. See the task assignnment page for details.
After a task has been assigned AppControl will create a task for each app that the task is assigned to, and will notify the persons responsible. Assigned tasks show up in the task dashboard. To view the current status of a task and to complete it click on it from the overview. See the task details page for more information.
Last updated