
The notifications page is used to configure how AppControl sends out e-mail notifications. E-mail notifications are send out for various reasons:

  • To the system administrator when there are problems with the system.

  • To user when they need to take action (E.g. Tasks have been assigned, problems have been detected with application logs, policies have been violated, etc.).

The following settings are available:

System Alerts
  • Destination Address: The e-mail address that all system alerts should be sent to.

  • Send alerts to all platform administrators: If checked, system alerts will be sent to all users with the role 'PlatformAdministrator' in the system.

User E-mails
  • Reply to address: The FROM address that will be used for all e-mails sent to users.

  • Display name: The display name used for all e-mails sent to users.

SMTP Settings
  • Username: The username used to authenticate to the outgoing SMTP server.

  • Password: The password used to authentication to the outgoing SMTP server.

  • Timeout: The timeout to use when trying to send a single e-mail to the SMTP server.

  • Digitally sign e-mails: If checked, all outgoing e-mails will be digitally signed. Additional settings will also become visible (see below).

  • Use SSL: If checked, SSL will be used when connecting to the SMTP server.

  • Use TLS: If checked, TLS will be used when conencted to the SMTP server.

  • Send max attempts: The number of times the system will attempt to deliver an e-mail if it fails to send.

  • Server host: The host name or IP address of the SMTP server.

  • Server port: The port number of the SMTP server.

Digital Signing Settings
  • Passphrase: The password of the private key used to sign e-mails.

  • File: Select the private key to be used for signing e-mails.

Last updated