The notifications page is used to configure how AppControl sends out e-mail notifications. E-mail notifications are send out for various reasons:
To the system administrator when there are problems with the system.
To user when they need to take action (E.g. Tasks have been assigned, problems have been detected with application logs, policies have been violated, etc.).
The following settings are available:
System Alerts
Destination Address: The e-mail address that all system alerts should be sent to.
Send alerts to all platform administrators: If checked, system alerts will be sent to all users with the role 'PlatformAdministrator' in the system.
User E-mails
Reply to address: The FROM address that will be used for all e-mails sent to users.
Display name: The display name used for all e-mails sent to users.
SMTP Settings
Username: The username used to authenticate to the outgoing SMTP server.
Password: The password used to authentication to the outgoing SMTP server.
Timeout: The timeout to use when trying to send a single e-mail to the SMTP server.
Digitally sign e-mails: If checked, all outgoing e-mails will be digitally signed. Additional settings will also become visible (see below).
Use SSL: If checked, SSL will be used when connecting to the SMTP server.
Use TLS: If checked, TLS will be used when conencted to the SMTP server.
Send max attempts: The number of times the system will attempt to deliver an e-mail if it fails to send.
Server host: The host name or IP address of the SMTP server.
Server port: The port number of the SMTP server.
Digital Signing Settings
Passphrase: The password of the private key used to sign e-mails.
File: Select the private key to be used for signing e-mails.
The Queue tab shows all e-mails that are either queued to be sent by the system, or that have already been sent. Use this overview to verify whether or not AppControl is sending notifications as expected.
This tab enables you to customize the default template used by AppControl to send e-mails. The template editor has both a visual editor and a code editor (for editing HTML). To edit the HTML of the template directly click on the 3 dots menu, and then click on the 'code editor' icon. The following template variables can be used:
{%Date%} - The date the email was generated.
{%AppName%} - The name of the app (if applicable) that the notification was generated for.
{%EmailSubject%} - The subjet of the notification generated by the system.
{%UserName%} - The name of the recipient (if applicable) of the email.
{%MessageBody%} - The content of the notification generated by the system.
{%LinkUrl%} - The direct link to the item in the system that the notification is about (E.g. release, alert, policy check, etc.).